Jill Amsberry, DO
Empowered by Imperfection

Ten clinician colleagues shared ideas that roused us beyond the usual thinking about safety and improvement — to keep safe our patients, our work, and ourselves. Watch their TEDx videos

The February Grand Rounds discussion is now available for viewing. If you missed the live conversation, you can watch Hospitalist Jessie Roske, MD, present the case and the ensuing discussion. Be sure to catch the next Grand Rounds on March 6th at 12:15PM on TEAMS.
Clinical Learning CME
Med School
Knowing that some preceptors have experience working with medical students while others may be new to the role, a new preceptor development series launches this month to support the onboarding of all CentraCare preceptors.
The series will feature in-depth content and will be offered in a synchronous, virtual format, supplemented by subsequent asynchronous material for ongoing development needs.

A Preceptor Development Series to Support the Onboarding of CentraCare Preceptors.

CentraCare Clinicians Co-author Peer Reviewed Article
The operational objective was to develop a roundtrip, same‐day endoscopic procedures service where patients would transfer by ambulance to St. Cloud Hospital to undergo the necessary procedures and then return to the referring hospital for further care. The result, according to Dr. Fateh Bazerbachi, perfectly encapsulates CentraCare’s core mission of bringing tertiary care closer to home.
Ethics: Medical Futility Conflicts
Key Strategies for Responding to Patient and Surrogate Requests for Non-Beneficial and Potentially Inappropriate Treatment

Health Law Professor and Bioethicist, Thaddeus Pope, JD, PhD, HEC-C
Watch the recording of the Ethics CME event: Medical Futility Conflicts with renowned expert, Thaddeus Pope, JD, PhD, HEC-C.