Professional Billing Fireside Chat: Documenting Problems and Time
A Refresher
In the hopes you find our advanced learning about professional billing topics helpful, this quarter we will offer a handful of brief updates on multiple topics that impact a broad swath of our areas of practice. Please join us if you are wondering about any of the questions below.
Identical content will be offered at each session. Clinical Partners need only attend one. At the conclusion of this presentation participants will:
- What are the takeaways for documenting the amount of and complexity of problems?
- How do I document time and what counts towards total time?
- What pitfalls to avoid when billing by time.
Bailey Knoblock, PA-C — Clinician Advisor in Clinical Partner Resource Office, Professional Billing
Please RSVP to if you can, though you’re welcome to join no matter what.
1 AMA CME credit available for attendance at the “live” education session.
CentraCare is accredited by the Minnesota Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CentraCare designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
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