April 28, 2021
Casting Your Shadow
Every one of us is a leader. And as a leader, what you do is just as important – perhaps even more so – as what you say. When our words and behaviors are aligned, we can have a positive impact on others as well as our organization. It’s at that point we cast a powerful shadow that influences those around us – in the workplace, at home and in our communities.
How would you describe your shadow? What would your coworkers say? We each have an incredible opportunity to influence others each day, so it’s important to be self-aware of how your actions send a strong message. To help cast the shadow you want, here’s a four-step process to reflect on your shadow and think about what’s working and what might still need work.
Step 1: Understand your shadow
Think about whose shadow influenced you growing up? How have those shadows affected you? Whom does your shadow influence?
Step 2: Identify your shadow
What are elements of your shadow? What do you see as strengths? What would you consider to be challenges?
Step 3: Develop a shadow improvement plan
Pick one or two elements you want to improve. Keep in mind that behavior is driven by our thinking. Are there thought habits that might be driving these behaviors?
Step 4: Project your shadow
Write down the actions or behaviors that would cast that shadow you desire. Then practice those behaviors and project the shadow you want to cast!