Upcoming Dates and Times
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 7AM
Are you looking for a review of the Professional Billing rules? Do you ever feel uncertain if your notes have all the features to capture the appropriate level of service for your ambulatory work? Are unfamiliar with the ambulatory rule changes that happened in 2021?
This session will include:
- Review of the Ambulatory Professional Billing (E&M) requirements Insight on Medical Decision Making (MDM) and Professional Billing (E&M) code selection.
- Overview of Epic tools and Standard note templates to support documentation.
- Identify resources if help is needed with new Epic functionality.
Bailey Knoblock, PA-C, Provider Advisor in Clinical Partner Resource Office, Professional Billing
Heather Pundt, CPC Compliance Analyst
Identical content is offered at each session under the topic specific sessions; providers need only attend one.
Please RSVP to linnt@centracare.com if you can, though you’re welcome to join no matter what.