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September 10, 2021

Trusted Voices: Facts Are Stubborn Things

By: Dr. Fred Hund

Photo of Dr. Fred Hund
Fred Hund, MD

There is a lot of chaos around us. What is obvious to some, is not to others. My intention is not to make the chaos worse. I hope what I have to say doesn’t become just another thing to argue about because what I have to say, I would say to any of my patients in the office.

Dear colleagues, coworkers and friends:

Our units are indeed a sort of big family.  I know most of you at Carris and many of you are friends.  After 32 years (!) practicing medicine in Willmar, I’ve known many of you for a long time.

It has been a long 20 months of COVID.  A sprint turned into a marathon, then into an ultramarathon.  Now we are swamped by an “epidemic of the unvaccinated.”  We have had several different families admitted — parents, spouses, children.  We have seen them gasping for breath and scared for themselves and their loved ones.  I will never forget the look of awful regret on a father’s face when he realized that his unvaccinated son might die.

There are all kinds of opinions about vaccinations out there.  However, as has been said, “You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts.”  And, as John Quincy Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things.”

As a physician and as your coworker, I can tell you that the medical facts are quite clear:  This can be a very bad disease.  The vaccines are very good at preventing it.  The vaccines are very safe — safer than aspirin.  There is really no debating the medical facts here.  Just consult UpToDate, the CDC, MDH or The Joint Commission.  These are reliable, trustworthy sources.

There are lots of opinions and beliefs out there casting doubts on vaccines…Most of these are just plain wrong.”

Yes, there are lots of opinions and beliefs out there casting doubt on vaccines.  These are mostly promoted by people who care about getting your attention or your clicks and who don’t care about you.  Most of these are just plain wrong.  Wrong.  As I said, the medical facts are quite clear.

I am vaccinated.  My wife is vaccinated.  Our daughters are vaccinated.

I hope I never have to take care of one of you or one of your family with this disease.
Please, as a coworker, friend and doctor, if you haven’t been vaccinated, get the shot.  Quickly.



  1. Sherri Klaers says:

    Thank you, Dr. Hund.

  2. Venna Trettel says:

    Wow, that is short and deep! I’m exhausted from all the misinformation out there and those who give their attention to it. Thank you for your insight.

  3. Kim Tjaden says:

    Thank you for your words and your service.

  4. Kenneth M Flowe, MD says:

    Thanks, Fred, for this honest and fair note. The biggest heartbreak these days is watching folks die needlessly. Smart folks who believed lies. It’s not about politics, it’s about our legacy.

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