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A Surprising Controversy: How Does One Identify Sepsis?

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One CentraCare
A Surprising Controversy: How Does One Identify Sepsis?

How does one identify sepsis? The controversy as the pendulum swings.

The consensus definitions for sepsis have sparked controversy since the first version in 1991 but nothing like the discourse we have seen since the publication of the third version in 2016, just one year after the core measures that were heavily based on the second consensus definition and 25 years since SIRS seemed a settled and accepted issue.

This debate has spawned follow up studies and editorials trying to sort out a persistent question: which definition should we follow for the best clinical care of our patients?

Join Drs. Jack Lyons and Jessie Roske as they discuss the nuances and offer some guidance for the consensus approach at CentraCare.