December 10, 2021
Random Acts of Kindness
Have you ever noticed how truly grateful you felt when someone took a moment to extend kindness your way? A Random Act of Kindness, usually a surprise, happens without any expectations. It can be as simple as smiling at someone you don’t know. Because it boosts your happiness doing a RAOK is an investment in you. Studies show that a person receiving a RAOK experiences positive benefits that last 24 hours. The person performing the act gains these positive benefits for TWO WEEKS! Studies show that RAOK will: 1) decreased anxiety, stress and depression, 2) protect your heart and improve your immune system, 3) make you happier, 4) help add 10 years to your life, 5) diminish pain perception. How can you spread joy to yourself and others with Random Acts of Kindness? For more examples, visit our Bounce Back Project website.
Photo of a RAOK at St. Cloud Hospital. Courtesy of Lisa Bershok