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November 22, 2021

Joy’s Blog: Find Your Happy

In the nine weeks my dad was living with us, we purposefully discussed and did things that made him (and us) happy. Trips to our cabin up north to putter around and see the beautiful fall colors, certain meals that provided comfort, watching college football together, talking to his granddaughters, playing games, a cozy blanket tucked up to his chin – there were many things that created happiness. And we too don’t have to look far to find our happy.

Sometimes we think happiness comes in the way of having fancy stuff or gadgets, but it can be much more simple than that if we are mindful and appreciate the little things that are around us every day – the kindness of a stranger who holds the door open for you, a smile that you give to a child in return, or saying thank you to someone who has worked hard that day – we can find happiness in so many moments.

We can find happiness in so many moments.

The day before my dad became unresponsive, I was asking him in the middle of the night if he was having pain to which he answered, “Yes.” I administered his pain medicine, repositioned him, tucked his blanket up to his chin just how he liked it, swabbed his mouth, and asked him if he was comfortable. Instead of answering my question directly, he simply said, “Happy.” This one simple, yet meaningful word made my heart happy as I settled in the bed next to him for another hour or so of sleep. As I laid back in bed, I knew in this moment that I had done my job over the past nine weeks. Everything we talked about doing and providing him as we began this journey had come full circle.

My dad passed away peacefully on Friday morning, November 19. He was surrounded by me and my younger sister, and I know he was happy. He was well taken care of, safe, comfortable, and most certainly loved. And although I am sad, I am also happy, having been able to care for my dad in this way and to be surrounded by such support in doing so. This experience has been a wonderful life lesson and I know I have truly found my happy. I hope you do too.

From the bottom of my heart,



  1. Ingrid Cresencio says:

    Joy, the best memories of the last nine weeks will last you a lifetime. Though our physical world lost a great soul, heaven gained another angel. May you continue to feel comfort knowing your dad is in a much better place

  2. Kathy Parsons says:

    What a beautiful reminder of what happy really is – time together with those who matter to us! Thank you for sharing this!

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