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Staying Positive

Teamwork and strength

Haley Wipper, RN

The most difficult thing for me personally has been being at the bedside of that patient where there’s no other choice but to be intubated. Knowing their chances of making it through this, and having that conversation with them to encourage them to make that call to their family – knowing that it might very well be the last call that they make to their family – was really hard.

If there’s anything positive that came out of this, it was the teamwork and the strength that we all got from this.

We’ve all kind of bonded over Paul Reisdorf’s ‘vision wall.’ It was just a very negative time, given everything that we’ve gone through, so he made this ‘Envision 2022’ wall and it’s filled with positive things to look forward to. So we all contributed to that. For example, we have a picture of our office, which is very small. We want to hopefully knock down a wall and make it bigger, so we have the blueprint of that up there. We have some positive sayings, quotes from people, maybe a unicorn, some nice notes that we’ve gotten from units to the nursing supervisors – just anything positive. It’s great.

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