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December 8, 2021

You’re Not Alone

By: Chris Gilyard, LMFT, Psychotherapist

We all have a need to unplug, connect with ourselves and others, find gratitude and be intentional about doing so. 

Chris Gilyard, LMFT, Psychotherapist

In the pre-pandemic world, many of us lived an “on-demand” life – wanting and having many things quickly that filled our minds and time. But the pandemic initially changed that. At first, we were inconvenienced by having to wait, stay still and in some cases isolate. It felt strange to not be distracted by the bells and whistles around us and sometimes “being still” felt uncomfortable. But we adapted with faster deliveries and pick-up, video meetings and other things that are now feeding our fast-paced lives.

But perhaps there’s a bit of wisdom that could be gleaned from it all. It’s the idea that by staying still, connecting with ourselves and those around us, we actually feed our souls. 

“By staying still, connecting with ourselves and those around us, we actually feed our souls.”

Chris gilyard, LMFT, Psychotherapist

I work with patients who’ve had brain injuries, and this has always been a struggle they wrestle with. There’s a grief and loss over the changes and the need to slow down incoming stimuli that bombard and overwhelm their brains and nervous systems. This can lead to anger and frustration from having to let go and change. 

For me, the pandemic continues to be about practicing the art of slowing down, engaging in meaningful relationships that feed my spirit (things like love, laughter and shared passions), practicing soul connection with myself, and intentionally finding gratitude in life. I try to do this daily.

When I’m working with patients, I find ways to show them I care. I listen. I often laugh with them. And sometimes I cry with them. I practice being with them and letting them know they aren’t alone in the journey. I remind them the journey will change and not always be like this. 

And that’s a good thing for all of us to remember.

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